Since its inception, Ecotone has prided itself with creating a fun and relaxing work environment that fosters quality and innovation. One of the ways we have accomplished this is by allowing Ecotonians to bring their best friend to work.
The Dogs of Ecotone have been a vital part to our culture for over twenty years. This diverse and intelligent pack is full of ecological restoration experts that are sure to make one feel welcome when they walk through the doors of Ecotone.
Unfortunately, times change and businesses must develop new means to ensure the work environment remains productive. It is with great sadness that we must announce that the Dogs of Ecotone pack will be no more. As of April 1st, 2019, dogs will no longer be allowed in our offices. This is a decision that has weighed heavily on us, but we must do what we have to in order to be a successful business.
We are thankful for all the smiles, wet kisses, and tail wags we have received over these incredible years and we will miss seeing our dogs at work, dearly.
More information on this decision is provided at the bottom of this page. Should there be any further questions or concerns, please call 410.420.2600. Thank you.